The EPFL Racing Team is a Formula Student team founded by students in autumn 2017. Each year, our team designs and develops an electric racing car. We take part in various competitions across Europe, in which we compete against other universities.
Committee 2022
CEO : Alexandre Reis de Matos
Vice CEO : Anna Hausel
CTO : Gauthier Vuitton
CFO & COO : Jade Gibouin
TEAM 2022
TL : Alexis Faucheur
Ray AL-Dayem
Rafael Reig Cerro
Martino Allegri
Edgar Clément
Nelson Belais
Luca Abundo
Simone Minervini
Mentor Tafili
Àlvaro Solans
Vehicle dynamic
TL : Emmanuel Ducongé
Armand dechant
Maxime Lenoir
Peter El Kadi
Etienne Boucart
Julien Grandmougin
Daniel Bakker
Yann Devance
Vincent Philippoz
Yucef Grebici
TL : Jawad Korkmaz
Gauthier Ducrozet
Noam Fisher
Chiara Pettini
Laura Cheng
Emre Altan
Wheel Assembly
TL : Gabriel Veigas
Emile Caillol
Serge El Asmar
Kristoffer Peterson
Aurélien Thépaut
TL : Baptiste Ranglaret
Louis Gounot
Joel Kocher
Joey Kodeih
Lisa danial
Julian Asboth
Giovanni Vittorio Boba
Etienne Hofstetter
Low Voltage Electronics
TL : Colin Bocquillon
Martin Simik
Simon Aquarone
Ludovic Blanc
Mathieu Depalle
Michael Richter
Sylvain Pellegrini
Rafael Riber
Coline Droxler
Yacine Derder
power Electronics
TL : Johan Germanier
Antonin Stampbach
William Ducommun
Bertrand Gresle
Valentin Riat
Hugo delesalle
Driverless software
TL : Sebastien Chahoud
Arthur Valentin
Lucas Brunschwig
Joe Najm
Achraf Berrada
Sélim Kamal
Tudor Oancea
Mugahed Abdulla
TL : Anna Hausel
Marek Waeber
Sabrina Travaglini
Asia Picasso
Laura Ciak
Jan Nevot
TL : Alexandre Matos
Sami Ferchiou
Valentin Perret
Savinien Semeria
Stefan Wang
Christophe Metzger
TL : Stefan Wang
Sami Ferchiou
Alexis Ruprech
support our TEam
If you would like to become a partner and contribute to the development of this team, send us an email on epfl-racing-team@epfl.ch
or call us on +41 77 489 99 07
You can find more information here.
You can also make an online donation by clicking on the button below.